Thursday, October 21, 2010
How secure is your password?
Many of you don't know that it is not about guessin' your password, surely that's impossible, well sure a few guesses like 1234 and 'password' is worth a try but usually people won't think that they will use that sort of password but you would be surprise what password people use for their email or Facebook account. So if you're using 1234 or 'password', change it now!
People don't guess your password, instead they crack it using a computer, with that they can execute a brute force attack which enter thousands of words every second, depending on how fast the computers are, they usually enter words from the dictionary and names, so don't ever use words in the dictionary or names. It should be a combination or alpha numeric, better yet if you include symbols.
How Secure is my Password? is a site that estimate how long it will take for a normal desktop computer to crack your password, seems like it is possible to crack any password and with a super computer it's faster than the average computer, the question is how long it will take to crack your password, so head to the site now and discover for yourself. If it says it will take billions or nonillion years to crack, you are most definitely safe! Read more »
Monday, May 17, 2010
Iron Man 2 easter egg!
Everyone remember the previous easter egg found on Iron Man? and don't forget the one found on The Incredible Hulk. Let's recap..
After the end credits for Iron Man, there's a short clip showing Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, confirming a possible Avengers movie. And after the end credits for The Incredible Hulk, we saw Tony Stark (Iron Man) appearing at a bar inquired something about a GREEN problem, another hint for the Avengers movie.
As always I didn't get to see the actual after credits at the cinema, it usually end after a few lines or the credits (sigh). That's why the internet is gooood~
As I suspected, there's another hint at the end of Iron Man 2, not gonna spoil it for you, just watch, just a hint for you. It shows another possible character from the Marvel universe, which the actual movie is at the works.
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easter egg,
end credits,
iron man 2,
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tron Legacy somethin to look forward to?
Does anyone know Tron? All i know it's a movie base on a video game, yea i know what you're thinkin', oh boy~. Starring Jeff Bridges more than 25 years ago, at that time it was one of the movies with breakthrough visual effects, combining video game world and reality, so if there's a sequel or reboot happenin' now, what would the technology do for the movie today? Here's a sneak peek for Tron Legacy coming end of the year.
As far as the graphics are concern, expect to see stunning visuals, did I mention it will also be available in 3D? As a graphics intensive movie, I think it's just a norm nowadays, we're definitely spoiled by computer graphics, although I do feel how I felt when I first saw the Nokia 8850 after watchin the teaser, it's just to shinny and glossy. I'm quite taken by the sound and score for the movie, it's usually underrated, got my heart pumpin'. :)
Tron (1982)

Hee hee, look at this. The young Jeff Bridges in Tron (1982), wow how far we've come. He will be in the this latest flick too.
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game movie,
jeff bridges,
tron legacy,
video game
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Predators with da S!
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Finally it's here! I've been waiting for a good Predator movie for many years. After the first Predator movie starring the governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, it's really hard to surpass that, Predator 2 was not really that good, and the AVP franchise; don't let me get started on those. But the upcoming Predator movie appropriately named Predator(s) following footsteps from James Cameron's Alien(s) as the sequel to the first Alien movie. Here's a preview for Predators coming July 2010
It certainly looks promising IMO, produced by Robert Rodriguez of the Sin City franchise, starring Adrien Brody an Oscar winner famous for roles in movie such as King Kong and The Village, also Laurence Fishburne famous for bein Morpheus in The Matrix movies, finally another well known actor Topher Grace which is most known as Eric from the 70's Show and also Venom in Spiderman 3, hmm nothing could go wrong right?? We'll see.. Read more »
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Earth Hour 2010
Is that time of year again where the world would go into darknesssssss, sounds like a horror flick but not at all, it's all for a good cause. I remember doin' it last year or so..not that big of a deal at my town, maybe things will change this year. Here's a video which explains must better for those of you who wanna know more..
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climate change,
earth hour,
global warming,
vote earth
Friday, March 12, 2010
Clash of the Titans 2010 next month.
Nothing to look forward to this month on the big screen, but a different story for April 2010. Here's a remake of a 1981 movie with the same title. Also comes in 3D i believe, after Avatar in 3D, i'll just skip 2D and go for 3D :). Continue to watch the trailer
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010
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