Wednesday, March 11, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine coming soon!

UPDATED: 11 March 2009

Fix the earlier useless link to the trailer, to view; click here

UPDATED: 06 March 2009

A new and seemingly the final trailer before showtime has appeared online! Trailer available here

Click for larger image

Another anticipatin' movie is coming our way next month. If you didn't know after the 3 X-Men movies, there's a spin-off in the works, mainly to focus on Wolverine's character called X-Men Origins: Wolverine, starrin' of course Hugh Jackman.

Of course what excite fans the most is the characters that are gonna be present in this movie, one of which i'm sure is the character called Gambit, fans were hopin' that Gambit will appear on at least one of the first 3 movies, but hopes were shot down.

I have to agree is one of the main big characters in the X-Men world, i've seen him all the time in X-Men cartoons... :x You can find more details about him at Wikipedia. All I know about him is that he is a card wielding man that shouts 'Trick cards' & 'Genetic cards' in the Marvel arcade games :x And yes the good news has finally arrive, Gambit is indeed in this movie!

LATEST TRAILER #2 (06 March 2009)
Provided by X-Men Origin

Trailer #1
Provided by Quicktime