Monday, March 2, 2009

Photoshop too expensive?

Click to go there now.

Photoshop has been around for many years and it's one of the top picture editing tool to date. It's so famous that any picture that looks fake it's always blamed on Adobe Photoshop. The downside is that it's too expensive, i guess that's what you get bein' too famous. People also settled for Window's Paint Brush, for simple editing, i guess there's no problem but who uses that.

As there is some evident that OS and programs are moving to the web cloud, everythin you do will be done online, nothin' is installed on your PC, sounds like there's gonna be pros and cons to this IMO. So for a useful program to be on a web, free to use without using expensive photo editing tool, Pixlr is great.

There's even an Add-On for Firefox for Pixlr. Base on the description and preview images, after the add-on is installed on your Firefox, you can easily edit an image you found on the web simply by right clicking on the image and select Edit with Pixlr, which adds more goodness to this great web app.

Click to go there now.

Looks really close to Adobe Photoshop too.

I haven't actually played with it, so go ahead and try it out, it's free!